The first interview regarding my book Personalia is live now at bearbooks-blog, read it here. It is in Swedish but Google translate does a fair job. Thank you for the interview Ola Wihlke!
I’ve been extremely busy trying to get the book out to the world - the last and least fascinating process of making books. But slowly, books are finding new homes around the world. By now you can also get them from following retailers:
_bulk (Schaerbeek, Belgium)
Artibooks (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Daikanyama Tsutaya T-site (Tokyo, Japan)
Gothenburg Museum of Art (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Hippolyte (Helsinki, Finland)
ISSP (Riga, Latvia)
Konst-ig (Stockholm, Sweden)
Salon für kunstbuch (Vienna, Austria)
Stockholms fotoantikvariat (Stockholm, Sweden)
Urban Spree (Berlin, Germany)