Greetings from Helsinki

Last week I presented my book Personalia in Helsinki at a photobook meeting at cozy Lavaklubi venue. It was particularly nice to meet likeminded young professionals who care about book as a presentation form and bookmaking an art in itself. So I'd like to send my thank-yous to the fellow participants for the wonderful discussions!

I'd like to highlight a book that to me stood out from the rest. Aapo Huhta's new book Omatandangole (Kehrer Verlag) is a selection of mirage-like photographs shot at a Namibian desert. Moving from a photograph to another, a scene to another, the sequence of the photos remind me of a narrative of a dream: You are unaware of where you are, what is going on and if everything is under control or not, yet somehow once in the moment so real and lifelike in the subconscious, all feels apprehensible. Huhta together with Heikki Kaski has made wonderful work designing the book and the screen-printed cover art is a cherry on top. Omatandangole is solid continuation to Huhta's debut book Block, taking another step towards the art photography world from his documentary background. Very intriguing to see where Huhta's career will lead him!

The coming Thursday I'll be signing books at Galleri Kontrast as part of the annual photobook gathering with Swedish masters such as Jens Olof Lasthein and Anders Petersen. Come by for a warm cup of glögg and some fine books!

Photographs by my man Mikko Kerttula.